DepthMap Estimation

LaMAR: Benchmarking Localization and Mapping for AR

Localization and mapping is the foundational technology for augmented reality (AR) that enables sharing and persistence of digital content in the real world. While significant progress has been made, researchers are still mostly driven by unrealistic …

PatchmatchNet: Learned Multi-View Patchmatch Stereo

We present PatchmatchNet, a novel and learnable cascade formulation of Patchmatch for high-resolution multi-view stereo. With high computation speed and low memory requirement, PatchmatchNet can process higher resolution imagery and is more suited to …

DeepVideoMVS: Multi-View Stereo on Video With Recurrent Spatio-Temporal Fusion

We propose an online multi-view depth prediction approach on posed video streams, where the scene geometry information computed in the previous time steps is propagated to the current time step in an efficient and geometrically plausible way. The …